People spend so much money on their health, dieting and sports that sometimes it feels like there’s no end to it. However, you can actually achieve your goals without spending a lot of money or even any at all!
The first step is understanding how easy it really is to become fit. All you need are some exercise equipment (some people prefer running outside) and access to healthy food options; everything else comes down to planning ahead for grocery shopping trips/meals out with friends. And if eating well requires purchasing expensive ingredients…don’t worry about the cost because they’ll last longer than one meal will anyway 😉 Watching what you eat doesn’t have to be time-consuming either – vegetables take less than 15 minutes to steam, protein takes less than 20 minutes to cook and you can even make an entire vegan dinner in under 30 minutes. You’ll save money by buying more sustainable food (rather than meat-based options) as well!
Food planning and preparing
Being fit and healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. With a little bit of guidance, you can easily make your own nutritious drinks, meals, snacks at home for less money than what you would spend on processed or pre-made foods. You’ll also know exactly what’s in them! Here are some tips below that will help get you started.
Plan out your meals ahead of time – decide after breakfast what will be eaten for lunch and dinner the next day; include prepping ingredients if needed (i.e., cutting vegetables) Cook big batches of food – cook enough so that it lasts all week long and save yourself from cooking every night Use whole grains instead of refined ones – choose brown rice over white; buy high fiber cereal instead of the ones with added sugar Leave leftovers for lunch – this saves time and money Make smoothies at home using fresh fruit, veggies, low-fat yogurt or milk prepare your food in advance. cook big batches so that you have enough to last all week long. choose whole grains over refined ones. use leftover food for lunches when possible. make homemade smoothies by adding healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables and dairy products such as yogurt or milk. Also check guide.
Drink green tea instead of coffee when craving caffeine because it has less sugar and no calories so you can keep off those extra couple pounds! You’ll also be saving a ton of money by quitting coffee because let’s face it…coffee can get really pricey once add up how much you’re spending daily going out for a cup every morning.
Eat more veggies! They’re good for you and they have absolutely no calories or fat so eat as much as you want to keep those pounds from creeping up on your waistline. Veggies are also really cheap which means you can stick to being healthy without breaking the bank! Eating out is expensive and it’s very hard (no matter what anyone says) not to overeat when eating food that isn’t home cooked. Vegetables will fill you up faster than bread or potatoes ever could, making them a great substitute if weight loss is one of your goals this new year.
People also tend to spend a lot on food and drinks so if possible, try growing your own vegetables in containers or get them from local farms where they’re usually cheaper. Make your own fruit smoothies instead of buying expensive ones at the grocery store too. You can even make healthy popsicles with just yogurt and whatever fruits are available such as oranges during winter time for example (oranges contain vitamin C which boosts immunity). It only takes an hour tops once every week depending on how often you want to do it but this is something kids enjoy doing too because it’s super easy plus saves parents lots of money by making their children eat more veggies than before! And who doesn’t like eating popsicles?
Stop bad habits
Stop smoking cigarettes. Not only are they bad for your health, but expensive too! Quit today by seeking out support from friends and family or even quitting cold turkey with the help of nicotine patches like Nicoderm. You can also find free online programs to get rid of this nasty habit once and for all.
Stop drinking caffeinated beverages. They may make you feel good, but they’re not doing your wallet any favors! Instead of buying coffee from a cafe everyday, invest in a high quality espresso machine and start making your own at home. You can also switch to green tea which is filled with antioxidants that boost brain power without the added jitters or sleepless nights! Plus it’s way cheaper than going back and forth for refills all day long.
Reduce screen time on cell phones/computers by using them less frequently throughout the week. Remember, there are so many fun things to do outside like biking or walking through a park – It doesn’t have to be expensive! When you need some down time try reading books or watching movies you’ve already seen instead of scrolling through your news feed all day.
Cut back on eating out by making more meals at home. Not only will it save you money later in the month, but cooking is a great way to get creative and spend time with loved ones! You can also partake in group activities like potlucks or brunches where everyone brings food so no one person has to go broke catering for 30 people!
Do Sports and Fitness
There are many ways to make sports affordable. One of them is by finding free events in your area. For example, if you go to the website for your local department of parks and recreation, they might list some upcoming activities or classes that are absolutely free. You can also check out Meetup for all kinds of groups who meet up regularly at different locations throughout the city. If it is too cold outside during certain months where you live, then maybe consider joining a gym with low monthly fees and get a Gym Membership Card.
If you live near a track or basketball court, use it to get in some exercise; either by jogging on the spot while watching TV at home (to music if preferred) or play pick up games with friends. There are many exercises that can be done without having to go to expensive gyms such as push ups, sit ups and squats which need no equipment except maybe a chair.
Even walking is great cardio-vascular exercise! Just put your headphones in and enjoy exploring new surroundings when going for walks around parks or beaches. Walking briskly is also known as interval training which speeds up weight loss even more than regular walking does so why not try this? You could walk one day and jog or run the next day.
Vacations are also great to get in some exercise, either by biking around places of interest during your stay or join activities such as hiking which is very popular on vacations all over the world. Some hotels even have their own gyms so you can use them for free!

You may not be able to do any sports if you suffer from joint pain but there’s still many things that can be done without having to spend money. Not only will they help improve health but it’ll save you money too because instead of spending $30 at Starbucks everyday buy a water bottle with filter (reverse osmosis) and drink filtered tap water- this costs just pennies per gallon depending on where you live and will save you tons of money! Read here How to Save Money on Gym Memberships.
You don’t need to go on a fancy vacation or buy expensive clothes in order to feel happy. You can find happiness in the most unexpected places, like when you’re working out at the gym and getting sweaty! If you’re looking to get in shape without having to spend a lot of money on expensive workout routines, consider these simple ways that will help keep your wallet fat and happy.