The United States is a constantly changing society, with many demographic trends impacting the marriage market. Marriage is an important part of American culture, with most adults at some point in their lives either getting married or considering it. However, the way Americans view and participate in marriage has been shifting over time due to demographic changes. As the population of the United States continues to grow and evolve, so do social attitudes towards marriage and its place in society.
Overview of U.S. Demographic Changes
In recent years, there has been an overall decline in marriage rates in the United States due to people waiting longer to marry or choosing not to marry at all. Additionally, many couples are now cohabitating prior to getting married or foregoing marriage altogether due to social acceptance and financial independence. The average age for first-time marriages has also increased from 25 for women and 27 for men in 1990 to 29 for women and 30 for men in 2017. Furthermore, divorce rates have risen steadily since 1960s when only 13 percent of marriages ended up in divorce compared with 40 percent today. These changes reflect evolving social norms as well as economic considerations that shape people’s decisions about forming relationships and families.
Social Changes Related to Marital Attitudes and Patterns
Social attitudes towards marriage have also changed significantly. In the past, marriage was seen as a universal rite of passage and source of stability; however, today, it carries fewer expectations and is seen as only one option among many for building relationships and families. As a result, there has been an increase in unmarried couples who live together or single parents who choose not to marry or cohabitate. Additionally, traditional gender roles have become less definite as women have increasingly become more educated and financially independent.
Impact on the Marriage Market
The changing demographics of marriage have had several impacts on the marriage market in the United States. Some of these effects are discussed below:
Effects on Individuals
1) Education Level & Income Disparity: Increasing educational attainment amongst women has allowed them to pursue higher paying careers which can lead to income disparity between men and women in relationships. This can lead to one partner having more power and control over decisions about marriage than the other partner might prefer.
2) Age Gap for Couples: With individuals waiting longer to marry, there has been an increase in age gap between partners. This can create issues when it comes to communication styles, financial concerns, fertility problems, generational differences, etc., which can make it difficult to maintain a successful marriage.
3) Gender Roles & Expectations: Traditional gender roles and expectations have become less defined, making it more difficult to determine what is expected from each partner in a relationship. This can lead to confusion and misunderstandings between partners and can also lead to conflicts.
4) Race & Cultural Considerations: The changing demographics of marriage have also led to an increase in interracial marriages. This means that couples of different races, ethnicities, cultures, or religions must take into consideration cultural differences that may affect their relationships, such as different beliefs about gender roles or family structure.

Business Implications
Because of the changing demographics of marriage, businesses must adjust their marketing strategies and products in order to meet the needs of customers who may not fit the traditional marital model. Companies must focus on creating products tailored specifically for unmarried couples or single parents who are living together but not married as well as those who are married but with an age gap between them. Additionally, businesses should strive to create products that cater to diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, since interracial marriages are increasingly becoming more accepted in society.
The changing demographics of marriage in the United States have had a significant impact on the marriage market. Increased educational attainment, delayed marriage, and interracial marriages are just some of the changes that have been seen in recent years. These changes require businesses to adjust their products and marketing strategies to meet the needs of customers who may not fit into the traditional marital model. As society continues to evolve, so must businesses if they want to stay relevant and successful in today’s ever-changing marriage market.